As director and producer of this enchanting child-friendly show brought to life by four talented dancers from Project PQ, I created a magical story for the Summer Nights at LEGOLAND 2023 in Germany.
The Summer Nights 2023 at LEGOLAND: A Spectacle Full of Magic
Already for the second time I was engaged for the summer nights. This time, a show was to be specially made, tailored to the client's specifications. In cooperation with Katrin Dewitz from Juxart we brought the rainbow dragon to life. A show experience for the whole family.
Four different characters met in a 10 min. stage show. First there was the cheerful Bubbler, a master of soap bubbles, who literally conjured soap bubbles out of the air with magical gestures. He was assisted by the elfin Wind Fairy, who controlled the wind with an enchanting elegance, making the air dance around her. From another galaxy came the Mirror whose task it was to maintain the order of the stars in the galaxy
A touch of magic and a spark of color
But despite all their impressive abilities, something was missing in this world, something that made life more colorful. The three beings decided to combine their powers. In a breathtaking spectacle, colorful smoke rose, accompanied by thunder and fanfare. And then the unexpected happened - with a deep roar, a small, colorful dragon stumbled into the scene. Its witty and curious appearance caused amazement and astonishment among the spectators.
An explosion of colors and a feast for the senses
The little dragon whirled around and in an enchanting moment, the dragon transformed the wind fairy's skirt from white to a colorful, rainbow skirt.The mirror and the bubbler also received their portion of color from the dragon. Suddenly they all shone in the most beautiful rainbow colors and together they danced a happy color dance. Large rainbow fans conjured a breathtaking play of colors in the sky. This show showed the audience that the true magic lies in sharing and experiencing together. Everyone could share in this celebration of colors and imagination.
A journey that lights up the hearts
"The Rainbow Dragon" is far more than just a show - it's a journey through a world of magic, friendship and unlimited possibilities. Summer Nights 2023 at LEGOLAND will forever remain in our hearts as a shining testament that color and joy are within each of us, ready to be discovered and shared.
Experience this enchanting story for yourself and be enchanted by "The Rainbow Dragon"!
Request the show now for schools, children's theater and festivals.
Foto der Show: ©LEGOLAND Deutschland Resort/Stefan Andter